Wearing & Caring for Coral and Pearl Jewelry
Pearls and Corals are both organic gems, therefore they need special care. Genuine coral and pearls can be expensive, so we have some recommendations for their wear and care.
Be sure and take your jewelry off when applying cosmetics, skin care products, and especially hair sprays or perfume that have alcohol. These beauty products are composed of chemicals and acids which can harm the coral and pearls. You should wait a few minutes after using these products before you putting on your jewelry.

Most importantly take off your jewelry while exercising, swimming or bathing. It is very bad for the silk string to get wet. Even perspiration can be damaging to the beads. Rings should be taken off when you are washing your hands or dishes. When taking off a pearl or gemstone ring, grasp the shank or metal part rather than the pearl. This will prevent the pearl from coming loose and from coming in contact with the oils on your skin.
Store your jewelry in soft cloth pouches or in lined boxes. Contact with other jewelry pieces may scratch them, so carefully lay each piece in a separate compartment of your jewelry box. Never keep them in plastic bags, they will benefit from air circulation.
Now wear and enjoy these beautiful pieces of jewelry and they will last a lifetime.